End of Term One Report 7.05.2019
I warmly thank the staff and school management for having run the school for the first term effectively.
Today marks the end of term one and we are sending children back home with their report cards reflecting their performance.
The school has closed with the population of 105 children for both nursery and p1-p4 classes, with 6 teachers but one passed on so we hope to get two more teachers to make 7 so that they can fit the classes next term.
Activities - the school has many activities like sports, touring, feeding, learning, music and outdoor games.
School Contributions - We thank parents and director for the work done in the school to get for us friends and of recent we got a link school called Bryncethin Primary School that we haven't yet started communicating., but we hope to keep in touch with all our friends who are supporting our school and staff. May God bless you.
Discipline - Discipline has changed compared to the beginning of the first month and children would come at school with their homework already done. So far no cases of indiscipline have been reported at school from both parents and the community.
Sanitation - The school has one pit latrine that is used by parents and pupils. In the nearby future we wish to construct another pit latrine that will help to improve on the hygiene of the school in pupils to avoid diseases like Bilharzia and Diarrhea. Most of our pupils cannot afford shoes and warm jackets to control the above diseases.
School Structure - the school has 3 permanent classrooms and 3 same permanent opposite each other. The compound is small thus limiting the playground for the pupils. If it comes to sports we take them to a social playground which is far from the school. The school is not fenced and it is neighboring Manafwa River which floods anytime, scaring both the lives of pupils and teachers. We have requested both the subcounty, parents and friends who support us to fence it so that we can control the children from moving aimlessly and causing problems.
Problems - We don't have a uniform to identify pupils in the community, or sportswear. The school needs to construct another pit latrine. We need to fence the compound. The school needs to feed the children. The school needs funds to pay teachers salaries. We need to expand our land for agricultural purposes. The school needs 2 more teachers. Separate latrines for teachers and pupils.Personal hygiene issues which teachers had to deal with before they could commence teaching.
Solution - In summary, we appreciate all the stakeholders, friends national and international for the great support rendered towards the charity school and the project that is financial support and scholastic materials, feeding and some children who are sponsored. We also thank our director Mr. Nataka Joseph who has worked very hard to speak to all friends mentioned above in order to see that the school is running effectively. We still look forward working together with all well-wishers and we want to make sure that all our children are empowered with educational skills.
End of Term Two Report
Today 26th August 2019 we bring our sincere greetings to you.
Bunyanga Bright Primary School is a community school that helps children who cannot afford to be in school like paying school fees, feeding, health and buying scholastic materials.
This was started by Nataka Joseph as the director who had a meeting with the community and they decided to run the school to help these children in need.
We have 130 pupils who are being taught by 6 teachers. The children's performance was not so good this term because of some problems. One of these is that the children do not have enough meals at school. The teachers are so good to the pupils but their payments are not good. So far, they haven't been paid for 2 months and this is reducing morale.
The school has the board of members who the school matters, they keep collecting food from the community to feed the children. We appreciate all the friends and individuals who help in contributing towards teachers payments.
The parents are so poor that they cannot afford to pay for their children while at school or home.We are sorry to report that some are orphans living with relatives and guardians.
The school structures are poor and children are affected whenever it rains and the floor is full of jiggers, this makes studying hard.
We bring our sincere appreciation to all our friends who are helping to sponsor some of the children. These children are Masina Fred Martin, Wamono Elijah and Nabugobelo Phoebe. We are so grateful.
However, we look to ask for your support for the rest of the children and teachers. We shall be so happy if you put us into consideration. May God bless you.